
Publishing Explained - The why, what and how

Having worked in publishing companies and with authors for many years, we know how opaque and overwhelming the industry can feel.

In 2022, Nielsen BookScan tracked Australian book sales of 896,000 individual books, and the publication of 7,300 new books from Australian authors alone.

It’s a highly competitive environment, so it’s vital to consider all the big questions and understand the landscape before plunging in.

Over a focussed 45 minute session we can help you:

Clarify your motivation for writing a book and your ideal outcome

Define why your book matters and who it’s for, if your concept might be a fit for a commercial publishing deal, and what help you may need to complete it

Demystify how the publishing industry operates, how the process works end to end, the different publishing pathways and commercial models

Answer any other questions you have about any part of the process

Contact us at to find out more

Lou Johnson is the first name that comes to mind when I think of the leaders of influence in publishing.

She is an undeniable powerhouse, brimming with passion and innovative thinking. What sets Lou apart in an industry teeming with specialists is her comprehensive oversight of the entire publishing landscape - from operations and strategy to marketing, sales and editorial.

Lou’s strength lies not just in creating compelling content or shaping a great idea, but importantly in understanding how to position and package content so that it speaks to both the end consumer and the necessary retail channels. Lou’s understanding of the publishing world is not confined to traditional norms.

Lou provides an unparalleled blend of industry knowledge, hands-on leadership, extensive network and strategic prowess. Choosing to work with Lou is akin to getting a masterclass in navigating the publishing world.
— Ali Green, Pantera Press CEO & Co-Founder
Jeanne is someone who is a literary powerhouse in every sense of the word. She will generously share her wisdom, knowledge and expertise of the publishing industry to help both individuals and the wider ecosystem benefit. I have learnt much from Jeanne and I am endlessly grateful for the introductions she has made and the advice she has offered.
— Dr Kirstin Ferguson AM, Author, columnist and company director

Publishing Strategy  

If you are a business or thought leader who wants to publish a book or develop a publishing program we can work with you to:

Clarify how books align with your business objectives 

Define and assess positioning, commercial feasibility (if that is an objective), and what support you might need 

Demystify how the publishing process works and the various publishing models

Develop your concept and Connect you with the right support and publishing pathway to meet your objectives

Contact us at for an initial consultation

Working with Lou Johnson as a mentor, guide, and top publishing expert, I’ve found Lou to be a remarkably talented visionary who has an uncanny ability to help creatives birth and hone their big ideas successfully. And she is a consummate connector, with a unique ability to connect people with the exact resources, support, community, and feedback they need to move through the creative process in the most fruitful way possible.
— Kathy Caprino Global Career & Leadership Coach | Speaker/Trainer | Author | Former Corporate VP & Therapist | Senior Forbes Contributor | Finding Brave™ host
Jeanne Ryckmans has an innate knack for connecting people and ideas across platforms. From curating national events to developing publishing programs and strategies, she grasps the reins of the commercial with the creative.
— Rosanna Arciuli, Manager Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement, Copyright Agency Australia